From: SteveThomasPsych
Subject: Regarding the Bad Samaritan
Dr. Block,
Recently I viewed your lecture from late 2016 on “Defending the Undefendable” given at the Mises Institute. A question came to me when you were giving an example of a person who was drowning being offered a rope in exchange for a lifetime of servitude. In that situation, if the servitude was found by the formerly drowning man to be intolerable, would he be transgressing the property rights of his master by committing suicide?
This question came to me and I wanted to send off an email quickly so as to not forget it. I will think about it, and hopefully come to some conclusion, but if you have answered this before or the answer seems obvious, please do not waste a moment in replying.
All the best,
Stephen Thomas
Dear Stephen:
Yes, in the case, the slave committing suicide would be a crime against his owner. It is difficult to see the punishment that could be imposed upon this theif, however. I think that is where the logic of this takes us. Sometimes, logic takes us to weird places. But logic is still logic. Of course, if the major premise is wrong… But, I think the major premise is correct: voluntary slavery is compatible with libertarianism:
In the view of Boldrin and Levine, 2008, p. 254: “Take the case of slavery. Why should people not be allowed to sign private contracts binding them to slavery? In fact economists have consistently argued against slavery – during the 19th century David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill engaged in a heated public debate with literary luminaries such as Charles Dickens, with the economists opposing slavery, and the literary giants arguing in favor.”
Andersson, 2007; Block, 1969, 1979, 1988, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007A, 2007B, 2009A, 2009B; Boldrin and Levine, 2008; Frederick, 2014; Kershnar, 2003; Lester, 2000; Mosquito, 2014; Nozick, 1974, pp. 58, 283, 331; Steiner, 1994, pp. 232-233; 2013, pp. 230-244; Thomson, 1990, pp. 283-284.
Andersson, Anna-Karin. 2007. “An alleged contradiction in Nozick’s entitlement theory.” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall: 43–63;
Block, Walter E. 1969. “Voluntary Slavery.” The Libertarian Connection, Vol. I, No. 3, April 13, pp. 9-11.
Block, Walter E. 1979. Book review of Nancy C. Baker, Baby Selling: the Scandal of Black Market Adoptions, New York: The Vanguard Press, 1978; in Libertarian Review, January, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 44-45.
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Block, Walter E. 2002. “A Libertarian Theory of Secession and Slavery,” June 10;;
Block, Walter E. 2003. “Toward a Libertarian Theory of Inalienability: A Critique of Rothbard, Barnett, Gordon, Smith, Kinsella and Epstein,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol.17, No. 2, Spring, pp. 39-85;
Block, Walter E. 2004. “Are Alienability and the Apriori of Argument Logically Incompatible?” Dialogue, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Block, Walter E. 2005. “Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics: Two Peas in a Pod.” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring, pp. 259-269
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Block, Walter E. 2009A. “Yes, Sell Rivers! And Make Legal Some Slave Contracts” The Tyee. July 25;
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Boldrin, Michele and David K. Levine. 2008. Against Intellectual Monopoly. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;;;
Frederick, Danny. 2014. “Voluntary Slavery,” Las Torres de Lucca 4: 115-37,
Kershnar, Stephen. 2003. “A Liberal Argument for Slavery,” Journal of Social Philosophy, 34 (4): 510-36
Lester, Jan Clifford. 2000. Escape from Leviathan. St. Martin’s Press.
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Nozick, Robert. 1974. Anarchy, State and Utopia, New York: Basic Books,
Steiner, Hillel. 1994. An Essay on Rights, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers;
Steiner, Hillel. 2013. “Directed Duties and Inalienable Rights.” Ethics 123 ( January): pp. 230–244
Thomson, Judith Jarvis. 1990. The Realm of Rights, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press
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Kinsella, N. Stephan. 1998-1999. “Reply to George Smith: A Victim’s Right to Punish,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, Winter, pp. 79-93
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Unknown Author. No date. “But What About Voluntary Slaves?”
Best regards,
3:02 am on July 21, 2020 Email Walter E. Block